Peru Olivera Diaz 250g

Peru Olivera Diaz 250g
single origin | whole beans location  Nuevo Trujillo, San Jose de Lourdes  farmer Marcial Olivera Diaz   process washed  altitude 1.750 m.a.s.l. va...
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single origin | whole beans

location  Nuevo Trujillo, San Jose de Lourdes 

farmer Marcial Olivera Diaz  

process washed 

altitude 1.750 m.a.s.l.

variety Catuai & Bourbon

suggested for filter

tasting notes pink grapefruit, caramel, verbena 


Additional Farm Info


    Marcial Olivera Diaz owns 4 hectares of land in the village of Nuevo Trujillo, located in San Jose de Lourdes. Nuevo Trujillo is one of the larger villages in the region and is known for producing distinctive coffees with citrusy and buttery cup profiles. On his farm, Marcial grows mostly caturra, along with some bourbon and castillo varietals. He hires local pickers from Nuevo Trujillo to selectively handpick the ripe cherry. After picking, the coffee is washed, floated, pulped and then fermented for 24 hours. Finally, Marcial dries the coffee using shade on wooden drying beds attached to his house.

    *Please note that we ship orders once a week

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